SHARE Mobility Commute Programs

Efficient employee transportation from first to last mile

Map icon

Real Time Operations

Track vehicles, monitor routes, and manage schedules with ease.

Door to door icon

Flexible Routing

Optimize trips with dynamic or manual routing

Park and ride icon

Driver & Rider

Designate accessible common pickup locations for workers to walk to or park and ride

Shuttle loop icon

Advanced Analytics

Make data-driven decisions with customizable reports

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Rural food producer fills 92 jobs

The Company needed to fill jobs quickly and reduce turnover. They decided to launch their first commuter benefits program with SHARE Mobility's transportation solutions. 3 months later, the company filled their open positions and gained millions of dollars in productivity.

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Location icon

Rural Kentucky

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January-April 2021

Industries icon

Food Manufacturing


  • Fill Open Jobs
  • Increase in daily attendance
  • Increase in gained productivity/revenue/profits by filling the open positions
  • Creating equitable transportation access

Pain Points

  • 17% open headcount
  • Over 200 consistently open positions
  • Each open position is costing The Company~$12,000 month, $145K year in missed productivity

A transportation solution with a massive yield.

The Company is a large food manufacturer based in rural Kentucky that was struggling to fill open positions. Their constant open headcount was detrimental to The Company’s revenue, as each opening was costing them $100,000s. Due to its rural location and late shift schedule, The Company could not fill open positions. The people who were available and eager to take the job lived simply too far away. Enter SHARE Mobility: Transportation as a job benefit. Because of SHARE Mobility, The Company could now offer consistent, reliable transportation in their job offers, which greatly expanded the hiring pool. By creating pipelines to markets with talent farther away from the facility, The Company filled their open positions quickly. As they filled their open jobs, their production and profits increased accordingly.


Gained in Productivity


Jobs Filled

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4-month partnership with Share Mobility

  • Filled 46% open positions (92 Jobs filled)
  • $1.07M monthly productivity gain
  • $12.9M annual productivity gain
  • Connected two different markets both 60+ minutes away in two different directions
  • Expanded radius of potential work force by connecting markets nearly 40 miles in opposite directions of the manufacturing site
  • Larger talent pool for potential employees
    (immigrants, refugees, long commutes)

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Rural food producer fills 92 jobs

After launching its first commuter benefits program, this food production company yielded major success in just three months.

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