SHARE Mobility Commute Programs

Efficient employee transportation from first to last mile

Map icon

Real Time Operations

Track vehicles, monitor routes, and manage schedules with ease.

Door to door icon

Flexible Routing

Optimize trips with dynamic or manual routing

Park and ride icon

Driver & Rider

Designate accessible common pickup locations for workers to walk to or park and ride

Shuttle loop icon

Advanced Analytics

Make data-driven decisions with customizable reports

The Power of Commuter Benefits

In the quest to attract and retain talent, companies are increasingly focusing on employee benefits that can differentiate them from competitors. Commuter benefits are emerging as a potent tool in the HR arsenal, serving not just as a perk but also as a strategic lever to tap into historically unavailable talent pipelines.

Equitable Transportation: A Necessity in Modern Workforce

The issue of equitable transportation has persisted for the last 50 years. Studies reveal that 23% of workers have had to quit their jobs due to commuting challenges. The question of reliable transportation often becomes a filtering mechanism in hiring. By offering commuter benefits, employers can transform this barrier into an empowering statement: “If you need transportation, options are available to employees.”

What is ‘Mobility-as-a-Service’?

Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) is like having your own transportation service without owning any vehicles. It leverages technology platforms to ensure riders get to their final destination conveniently and comfortably. Adaptive analytics track traffic patterns to ensure optimal routes, enhancing commuter satisfaction. While individual companies can benefit from such services, the implications for societal welfare are extensive.

Tax Benefits: The “Commuter Tax Benefit”

Section 132(f) in the IRS tax code specifies Transportation Fringe Benefits that organizations can qualify for based on the benefits they provide. Known as the “Commuter Tax Benefit”, it allows employers to deduct up to $280 per month for transit-related expenses. This not only gives employers payroll tax breaks but also helps employees pay less in federal income tax. Such pre-tax benefits are turning out to be an essential part of competitive compensation packages.

Recruiting Advantage: Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion

With the demand for talent rising, so does the need for a diverse workforce. Diversity and Inclusion continue to play a large role in organizational success. Commuter benefits not only provide practical solutions but also communicate a commitment to employees’ well-being, thereby aiding in attracting top talent. This makes commuter benefits a creative way to recruit employees and stands as one of the best employee benefits for modern organizations.

Environmental Impact: Beyond the Workplace

Having a strong commuter benefits program also impacts the environment positively by reducing single occupancy vehicles. Decreased vehicle numbers lead to fewer emissions, lower accident rates, reduced traffic congestion, and less need for infrastructure repairs. Such benefits have broad societal implications and contribute to a sustainable future.

Conclusion: A Comprehensive Approach to Employee Satisfaction

Increasing mobility access creates a ripple effect of positive outcomes for both organizations and society. Implementing commuter benefits not only increases workforce diversity but also aligns with environmental stewardship. From unique employee benefits to tax advantages, the holistic approach to transportation is reshaping the way the world thinks about mobility.

In the race to offer the best company benefits, organizations must look beyond traditional compensation and benefits in HR. They must explore innovative ways to add value to employees’ lives, and commuter benefits emerge as an effective strategy.

This approach is more than just a trend; it's a testament to progressive thinking in the human resources field. It’s not about merely providing job perks, but rather about understanding the broader spectrum of work-life balance and crafting policies that genuinely serve employees. It’s about building a company culture that respects and nurtures every aspect of the employee's life, ensuring not just retention but also thriving, satisfied, and loyal workforce.

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