SHARE Mobility Commute Programs

Efficient employee transportation from first to last mile

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How the Dublin Connector Promotes Independence for Senior Residents

SHARE Mobility is a microtransit company that provides transportation solutions for multiple different sectors, including workforce commuter benefits and public transportation. In Dublin, a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, SHARE Mobility offers a fare-free public transit option for seniors and those with disabilities: The Dublin Connector. This convenient transportation solution has professional drivers, ADA compliant vehicles, both one-way and round trips, multiple pick-up locations, access for caregivers to book rides, web-based and phone-in scheduling options, and on-demand scheduling in as little as two hours prior to pick up time. The Dublin Connector can even be used as a means to get to work in the city. SHARE Mobility and the City of Dublin note that the rides provided have simply changed the community for the better. 

In fact, SHARE Mobility sat down with a Dublin Connector rider to discuss the impact the service has had on her life, and to showcase her gorgeous hair from her cosmetology appointment the day prior that the Dublin Connector took her to. Louise, 92, has been a resident of Dublin for the past 20 years, a Toledo resident prior to. Formerly, she worked at a voter precinct in Dublin. 

A few months ago, Louise stopped driving on her own. She notes that it was becoming increasingly difficult to drive in construction and with her hip injury. Thankfully, the Dublin Connector has been just the solution she needs. Louise keeps her independence, gets around town, and enjoys her rides too. 

When asked what she uses the Dublin Connector for, Louise responded, “I use it to get to my hairdresser, to my doctors appointments. Most of my doctors are in Dublin, so that makes it easy because I don’t have to tell my girls and ask them for a ride. Sometimes they are busy on the days I have appointments… oh, and for lunch today! Yes I did!” She recalled that she had used it twice that week, and plans to do so more often in the spring once the weather warms up.

Her daughters can take her around town, but it is hard to get a ride the same day. With the ability to book in as little as two hours in advance, the Dublin Connector allows Louise to get same-day rides. She has plans to try out web-based booking, but for now, she loves the call-in feature provided by SHARE Mobility. “This is much better! It gives me more independence.” In addition to her independence, Louise feels safe on her rides around Dublin. In our conversation, she recalled her drivers by name and spoke highly of their kindness and professional manner. Most importantly, Louise feels the vehicles are accessible. She said that there is always room to bring and store her walker on rides and that the vehicles are easy to get in and out of. 

Overall, Louise said she “loves” the Dublin Connector and it has impacted her life in many positive ways. When asked if she would recommend the Dublin Connector to a friend, she said she absolutely would because “if they don’t they’ll be missing out on a lot!”

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